Sunday 7 March 2010

Shot List

Since filming i have made a shot list showing how I would like my shots to flow and in what order. This is a development from my storboard as not everything has turned out the initial way I had planned. As i Edited there may well be mroe changes made but this is the rough cut of how I would like it to progress.

Shot 1 - Close up os artists eye. Begin shut, then open when music starts
Shot 2 - Wide shot to inform viewers of the artist.
Shot 3 - A shot of my artist spinning in a big open space
Shot 4 - New setting, focus on artist
Shot 5 - Close up of artist, either end of framing
Shot 6 - Other world shot - mad hatter, introduction to his character.
Shot 7 - Artist on a bench in countrypark
Shot 8 - Other world shot - Rabbit, introduction to her character, welcoming her to the world
Shot 9 - Other world shot - Through the trees, sunlight.
Shot 10 - Artist running through woods
Shot 11 - Back to artist singing
Shot 12 - Throwing leaves in the air and at the camera
Shot 13 - Other world shot - following through trees, sunshine, quicker shots.
Shot 14 - Mirror shot - emily looking in the mirrow, then emily looking at daisy in the mirror
Shot 15 - Bath shot, to add a peacefullness
Shot 16 - Other world shot - emily confused, rabbit getting closer
Shot 17 - Other world shot - the King Card
Shot 18 - Other world shot - rabbit, showing the 'clock' (quick cut shots)
Shot 19 - Artist singing
Shot 20 - Other world shot - the Joker Card
Shot 21 - Artist singing - Close up and direct to finish the song
Shot 22 - artist gasping for breath out of bath

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