Thursday 1 April 2010

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts??

Hi I’m Broden and this is the Music video I Produced for my A-level Media. I used a song by Florence and the machine, called ‘Rabbit Heart (raise it up), taken from the album ‘Lungs’.

As Florence and the Machine are known as an Indie soul band, I wanted to reflect this through both my main product and supporting products. The band appeal to ages between 15 and 30, so I made sure all my products met this criteria.

I wanted my artist and other subjects to have a very relaxed but edgy look within the video to match with the song style and theme. I also tried to use lighting, mis-en-scene and camera movements to reflect this style as well; this was easy due to my previous research.

The story of my video took an “Alice in wonderland’ type theme. To do this I created another world, where everything was different and dream like. This was made clear by the effects I used setting them apart.

The effects I used on these ‘other world’ parts effected how I went on to design my Digi-Pak and magazine advertisement. I wanted to keep a house style, which would be recognized by an audience. I did this by making my Digi-Pak a limited edition version. This means that although albums do not usually focus around one song I was able to.

Digipak Appears

The way I made these similarities clear with all the video, advertisement and Digi-Pak was using the same effect i had used on the' other world' shots, which was changing the Brightness and Contrast, and then changing them on both Premier Pro and Photo shop. Once this theme had been set I was able to focus on making my Digi-Pak as eye catching as possible. I did this by using a number of images, brief text and attractive colours. With my previous research I was able to see what this type of band usually use and tried to keep within this boundaries, but still adding my own uniqueness. I wanted the digipak to focus on the artist. I feel that it is important for an artist to be recognised, and her face is what audiences will see. I like the collage used for my back page, I have seen this style frequently used and think it is really effective on an album. I also added a Thank You page, with a signature, as if she had signed it herself, firstly because this is attractive to an audience, also because i mentioned it on the advertisement, and it brought them all together.

Magazine Advertisement Appears

Here is My Magazine Advertisement. As you can see it follows the same theme as my Digipak. I have used a similar but different image, but with the same card over the eye. It also has the same border and card them to the entire page just on a larger scale. I also used the same font styles and colour blocking. This advertisement also includes text, so these areas mentioned are then displayed within the Digipak. I feel that this advertisement, shows the importance of the Alice in wonderland theme. Its displays directly what song the album focus on. The links between this and my Video and supporting products clearly match the music style and genre.

Overall I feel that my three products all have clear similarities and reflect what the audience and record companies are looking for as well as promoting the band successfully. I also feel that all my products were well produced based on my research and own ideas.

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